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It is used to determine the consistency (needle penetration depth/penetration) of bituminous samples under certain load, time and temperature conditions. Penetration is expressed as tenths of a millimeter that the standard needle penetrates vertically.

Penetration is measured with a digital needle penetration depth indicator with an accuracy of 0.01 mm.

When the automatic penetration timing unit start button is pressed, the load consisting of the needle, needle holder and mass is released for 5 seconds.

Bitumen Penetrometer; It is supplied with a carrying handle with coarse and fine height adjustment, digital needle penetration depth indicator, automatic penetration (setting time of penetration) timing unit, penetration needle in accordance with standards, carrying container and 6 Ø 55x35 mm Sample Boxes.

To facilitate surface contact between the needle and the sample, a magnifying glass is available and should be ordered separately.

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